Friday, April 22, 2005

U raise me up

Listening to this song by Josh Groban.. Or something like that.. My sis got it uploaded onto the comp.. so that's why I'm listening to it...

My week's been pretty highly geared/motivation/busy/informative... I really don't know how I can explain... Initially, I was in my studying mode but when my sis got sick, well it pretty much bothered me... Its nothing serious but whenever my sis gets a fever due to her tonsils, well its scary cuz her fever's high... Like a 39.50 kinda high...

Now the track's playing is by Muse entittles Time is Running out... The intro's like the Pink Phanther Theme song.. That bass effect....

Had that Permanent Sectery Civil Servant Talk today...This talk that everyone in JC/CI have to attend. Topic: Uniquely Singapore... Firstly, I would have to say that the speaker was very charismatic, engaging & definately people person kind... She spoke about Singapore being 'principled pragmatic' & transparent... How practical is Singapore in dealing with situations & the ability to adapt easily to different situations... I have to agree that being a Singaporean, life's a bitch... Can't kid to that but that's the only way that we as a nation can survive... That notion to compete is in everyone of us.. We try to be better then anyone else.. I mean, can anyone see the emphasis that parents give their childrent to do well in exams. Not only to do well but to be No 1. You know, being 1st in class etc... But do they see that by trying hard to be No 1, people sometimes don't see the other side of the story...

Stop & think... We have one of THE best education system in the world but do we ever had any Noble Prize Peace winners? Is being so attached to the textbook made Singapore have THE best education system in the world? OR has it deprieved people to be creative? Honestly, how sure are you that all the students in the 1st class of RI & RGS are smart people? Or are they just people who are lucky enough to have that much of capability to remember all those information tested int the exams...So are these people genius or just dumb people who memorise textbook.

On the contrary, there's this other group of people whom, due to social & educational stigma, be named STUPID or even a DUMB... These people whom I'm referring to are the people from the ITE... Honestly, if u can't make it to the poly, try heading to an ITE.. Yes I know that the people that you meet there aren't as pleasent as the ones at those top schools but sometimes these people are INOVATIVE... And on top of that, they have the facilities to create inventions that might be beyond the wildest dreams of those in top schools....

So who's smarter? That's a question I want you guys to ponder about......

Ok, enough of those stuff... Those debatable stuff...

Last night Jo told me something and all I can say is that, well Jo, I told you so . I know I know, you're grining from ear to ear when you had translated the msg right.. And I told her about the whole ' better get the message the way the sender intended to'. If it was a MISCOMMUNICATION, then, OUCH!! Deep shit...

Hah! How wonderful to actually fall in love... Hum...... Love makes you walk on cloud 9... From experience, it does...... Saviour & treasure every moment of it...

Speaking of treasures, well there's this whole box of letters that I have from Darwin.... Wonder what to do with it... Throw it away? Burn it? Stash it in a deep corner so that I'll forget abt it? I mean, its a 4 yrs worth of courtship stuff....There's loads of it... And I honestly have to complement his great handwritting.... It's so very relationshipish...... And there was this song that he wrote to me... the one that has that ' I don't wana wake up from this dream' kinda thing... ARGH!!! Bloody sweet talks... Just makes it even suckier....

A friend told me that I should get on with my life & start seeing guys. Considering the fact that I've not dated anyone for about a year..... Uhm.... Not prepared... Been in too deep & it's hard to get out of it.... I know it sounds like a lame excuse but it's true... Not right now ....Still hurts & I just don't trust anyone.... They always say, the 1st cut is the deepest...

This weekend is gonna be a CIP week.. Heading to Wheelock after that... I mean, that's what Bel told me.. And I'm having this itch to get a dress.... I NEED A CHANGE!!!!!!!!!

I know, I'm the usual Tee & jeans gal but I just have gotta give myself some changes.... I know, these two current changes are drastic enough but its not enough for me........ Haiz.... Just keep it cool.... RELAX....... Breathe in out..... Chill.......

Hey I think I've blabbered a little too much today...

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