Thursday, September 20, 2007

Back after ages

Hey there. I know that its been ages since i've updated this. Been busy doing alot of things lately. And there's actually LOADS of photographs to be uploaded but there something wrong with my photo transfer. Anyway, i'm still looking into rectifying that problem.

How's my life been lately if you're asking, well alot has been going on. My school work is burrying me to the maximus. And if i've class the whole day, i'll end up being a ZOMBIE by the time i get back too. And when i start doing my work, i'll forget my meals but I have Simon to constantly remind me to eat.

How is he if you're asking, well he's there, somewhere. Busy flying. But its kinda great that he's away cuz I can concentrate on my schoolwork. The last sweetest thing that he did was to give me tix to the fireworks display over at the pontoon. It was great... And the crowd that I had to go thru...

Other then that, life has been ok.. There's alot of blessing in disguise. :)

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