Tuesday, March 14, 2006

trying hard

I was just about to write an entry when Amy & Sharul started a conversation with me.. So what I initially wanted to do was put on hold...

Caught up with Amy & what's happening with her.. And guess what, she asked me whether I wanna do kornrolls?????? Like NO. I don't know why but that hairstyle never really caught my attention. And secondly, I've got thing THANG aka pantang abt my hair... I don't like chemical stuff on my hair... PERMANENT ones that is... So, that's why....

Anyway, nothing much have really happened to me since... Started work at Tanjong Pagar... 9 to 1.. $6/hr.. Not bad lah actually. Other then that, nothing much.

The other day, my dearest friend BigGuy gave me a buzz... Oh! How great it was talkin to him again.. That fella practically MIA-ed for the past couple of months... And apparently, he's gonna get his ride... FINALLY... Its actually like this, we made a pact that when either one of us gotta wheel, we're gonna give each other a ride & apparently it looks like he's gonna get his.... When is it my turn, well.... That I have to wait LONG LONG.......

And as someone whom I've been wanting to talk to for so long, there was someone else whom I've been trying to avoid.. But there he was, contacting me... Being very optimistic, well, lets just say that I'm trying to maintain my potential pool of CLIENTELE... You never know when u need the help....

Alright then, maybe i drop by soon.......

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