Friday, June 17, 2005

Nasi Goreng....

Eating Nasi Goreng right now..... Typical org Jawa, pagi-pagi makan nasi goreng... I'm not exactly a pure orang Jawa... My mom's a true blue orang Jawa...And my grandpa who's staying with me is the Javanese grandpa... So yesterday, becuz my parents aren't in Sg, I HAD TO COOK!!! I had to cook his fav dish, that is Sayur Lemak .... And he want's the no oil type... Not the kind that anyone eats lontong with... He wants the pale WHITE kind.... My goodness!!! Luckily it turned out alright cuz its been ages since I've cooked anything besides my famous fries spaggetti.. And the day before, he asked me to cook for him CHICKEN CURRY... a) I forgot HOW to cook it.... So luckily, I called up Amu to ask her HOW TO COOK CURRY... And thank goodness, my grandpa said that it was DELICIOUS.... Phew!!!!

My dad's a mix of Chinese Indian.... So basically, on Hari Raya, I get the red packet from all my paternal side... Cool huh? And the best part is that my granny's a Cantonese... But she doesn't speak that language anymore cuz if she does, nobody understands.... So sometimes, at my Aunt's place, she sometimes watches some Canto drama... My cousin reads the sub-tittles & my granny understands the whole thing.... Cute huh???

Not many will know that I'm kinda ROJAK in some ways.... Amazing huh???? Look at me, I don't look Chinese at all but everyone in my family says that I look the most like my Chinese granny... I REALLY don't understand it all!!!

Yesterday I was watching the Indon Drama 'DIA'... Oh god!!!! I got so frustrated watching that show.... That Fifi is a 1st class BITCH!!!!!! God!! I felt like Mummy-fying her in aluminium foil ALIVE & barbaque her right on top a huge blaze of fire like when Luke Skywalker gave his dad a Jedi burial in Star Wars.... That was how IRRITATING I felt when watching that show.... Anyone who watched the drama before know what I mean.... EEERRGGGHH!!!!

WR: Yup I'm into photography.... And my dream camera is the D70 but then its too EXPENSIVE!! Anyway, been a fan because of my dad.... He LOVES photography... That shot was taken at the Terrace of the Esplanade.. Quite shaky cuz I was using my Olympus Digi.. One thing about Olympus camera's is that they are light so u'll have a tendency to shake while snapping the pic compared to a Nikon.... I tested a Olympus Digi & my Nikon F60, its easier to 'Balance' using the Nikon... And I'm not the only one who said it, my photography teacher also has the same opinion............

Jo: Yes darling I do have a tripod but it defeats the purpose to bring with me a tripod (that ain't exactly easy to carry) when the size of my digital camera is the size of a handphone... So its only when I use my Nikon F60 ( the one that I brough to the dog show) that I'll bring my tripod... Or when I use my dad's LONG RANGE lens ( which is SO HEAVY) then I'll use a tripod... And my digi is still quite new... A mere 6 mths only... I use the OLYMPIS u-mini DIGITAL 4.0 megapixel... The finishing is sharp & its handy.... AND the most important thing, it fits in my flat LV bag... Khekhekhe!!!!!! And girl, when we go out next week, we can take TONs of snaps with it alright????

Mon:Hey thanks... Don't forget about Sunday.... Don't get too engrossed with Salid's match ok...

Ok people... I don't fell like going to school to school today... Don't know lah... Just wanna laze around at home, clean it up & so forth... And later tonight, I'm going out for dinner with my sis... Just not in the mood to study.....

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