Monday, June 06, 2005

Everybody's talking

Did some bloghopping before writing an entry... Gosh!! Everyone's talking about Star Wars... All that Dark Side blah blah blah... But none have that Love can ignite the stars thingy. Hee ! Hee!

My trip to Sentosa yesterday was FANTASTIC!! Sorry BG, I didn't had time to go to ur last gig... I was at Sentosa the WHOLE day.....

I was at Sentosa to watch my sis who's in the school band.... Hahaha!! Like they say, SISTERS!!! Anyway, she plays the Baritone BC..... HAHAHAHAHA!! That heavy instrument... Mine's just the Flute... Or sometimes the Piccolo... That small little instrument that fits into my blazer pocket... And the casing looks like a PENCIL-CASE... That's how minute my instrument is.... And its CUTE... And that high pitch sound that comes out of it.... Especially if there's staccato notes... That JUMPY feeling..... Boing! Boing! Boing!

Anyway, being at Sentosa reminded me about my days in the band... But I guess my most memorable incident that happened in my whole band life is definately NCO camp... That's where I met my dearest Joline... Come on, we were like sec 2 and we slept over at Gullimard Camp for 5 days straight... And it was FUN..... I mean, there's only 2 representative from each school & there's 150 schools that attended....

What/Who I remembered from NCO
Wai Sum
Broomstick Gang
David- the Vampire
Water duty
Sheperd's Hey
Extremely long q's
Colourful uniforms
RAZALI--- Jo, u know what I mean right?????

Ok... Alright! Enough of NCO....

When I looked back now about my band life, I ask myself, how in the world I ever fall for Hezwan... I mean, we were young... Its like super slenge for me to fall for him... Considering the fact that he was attached back then... Stupid D!! And the funny thing is that, after a couple of years since we graduated, we dated each other for a while. And that was only after like 4 yrs since we've graduated... Gosh!!!! 1 stupid crush that lasted for like 2 years (while in the same school) & only 4 years after graduation, we started dating... Funny how things worked out

Anyway, that period of me going goo goo gaa gaa over anyone has long evaporated.... Not in the mood is the word.... Just enjoying being single.... Can do lots of stuff... Go out every weekend with different groups of people.... Going to pubs without anyone restricting you (other than ur parents)... And when your in ur mugging mood, there's no distractions... U don't need to think of anyone else except yourself..... Just mug & mug & mug till like 3 am in the mrng is also not a problem.... And there's no waiting... Especially when your are expecting a phone call from him...

Not to say that I'm being self-centred but just not met anyone who's that wonderful to me yet....

When the time is right....

Meeting Anom & the rest tomorrow to visit Deena .... See how she's doing being a MOM now... And how cute is her daughter..... Then later after that, we'll be meeting the rest.. Meaning the guys like Hafiz, John etc.....

So that's why I won't be able to make it to Fad's show tomorrow evening.... Sorry Nor.... I know why you wanna go..... ;)

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