Tuesday, March 11, 2008

D80 baby

I know I know.. Its been a long while since I've written anthing. There's so too many things that I've gotta tell u. My b'day, my photographs, my photo shoots. And to top it off, my EXTREMELY crazy schedule. My lecturer is mad beyond mad. And his workload isn't exactly lighthearted. I'm prepared to be shrunken into bits and pieces by the end of this sem. Exams are in 2 months time and there's ALOT to learn.

If you guys are wondering what have I been doing since the last entry, well i've been having classes on weekends and on some weekends, its from 9am till 8pm. Yes, beyond your wildest dreams that D can stay in school at such LONG hours.. Though it isn't the first time that I've done such things, remember last term's revision period. Well, that was for only a month's worth of weekends, this is more like the whole semester.

And attending James's class is a MAJOR roller-coaster ride. In his words, its called "exciting". To us, the students, its called running the Standard Chartered 42km run. And right now, I'm in the mist of doing my essay. To all, does Target Costing ring a bell???????

Ok, other then photography, i'm usually down with my photography buddy Zahari. Yes we are tight. The close-friends tight. Please ah.. Though we did get the couple look a couple of times. Like when we dine out or when we go for photography. There was once when one of our friends thought that we were an item. This is how it went.

On my last photography lesson day, Zahari didn't joined me because he had to prepare for class the next day. You, the type whereby you've got a HOD coming to your class and observe the way you teach? (Oh yah, if I forgot to mention, Zahari is a teacher. So when we say to our friends that 'we've got school', we BOTH have school. Just differ in our occupations only. Hee! Hee! Hee!) So I went to class alone & met with the rest of my classmates who come from all walks of life. And when class ended, I sort of bumped into one of them at the train station and we were going to take the same train. So this is how it goes.

Me: Hi!
E: Hello! U taking the same train?
Me: Yes. I'm staying in Kembangan
E: Oh! I'm from Pasir Ris.
Me: Ic Ic
E: 'How come your husband didn't come today?'
Me: 'Oh! U mean the guy I'm usually with? He's not my husband.'
E: 'Oh so sorry. Your boyfriend?'
Me:' Oh, he's not my boyfriend either. He's just a close friend.'
E:' Oh, so sorry! I really didn't know. So how come he's not here today?'
( and the conversation went on ....)

Imagine how shocked I was when he said that. Oh k.. Now I'm suprised to hear that people in class have thought about the both of us to such extent.

Oh, btw, I GOT MY D80 with 18-200mm lens. YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So right now, i've got 2 camera bodies & 5 lenses.

2 Nikon Bodies

D80 -> fresh from the IT show
FE SLR -> Inherited from Daddy

5 Lenses
18 - 200mm VR-> bundle with my D80
50mm f1.8 -> a birthday gift from Zahari
105mm ->Inherited from Daddy
35mm ->Inherited from Daddy
300mm ->Inherited from Daddy